Furrypeeps Puppy

Furrypeeps Puppy was developed with my dog breeding friends as an inspiration, their concern for the environment and their passion for ethical breeding.

You’ve heard the saying Adopt don’t shop!  And I do whole heartedly support breed rescue centres and rescue centres but the question has been asked of me, if I support that very mantra then why develop software for breeders, aren’t I just compounding the problem. The problem being far too many dogs ending up in rescue the result of poor and greedy breeding.

We have to break the cycle. The cycle that delivers these dogs into rescue in the first place.  Ethical breeding starts out with a complete understanding and knowledge of the breed (purpose, traits, etc), the desire to better the breed for future generations and willingness to constantly learn.  

Furrypeeps encourages ethical breeding.  The Furrypeeps Puppy app produces PDF's to support your Local Authority Breeding licence.

Pregnancy Calculator

The Furrypeeps Puppy dog pregnancy calculator is based on a fact that gestation in dogs lasts for about 63 days (almost two months). We need to remember that nature often doesn't adhere to strict rules, in reality this period may vary from 58 to even 68 days. 

From the main menu at the top left hand side of your device’s screen select ‘Pregnancy Calculator’.  Now select from the date picker the date of your dam’s first mating and simply calculate.  Furrypeeps will calculate the appropriate range. 

Furrypeeps will also go one step further and detail in a timeline how your dam will progress through her pregnancy.

Our detailed pregnancy timeline will give you important date markers to keep you informed as to her progress.
Breeder Dashboard  


Upon downloading and subscribing to the app you will have created a breeder profile.  Just basic information to identify you and your kennel.  Having create a basic breeder profile you will be displayed with a breeder dashboard.  This essentially is the home page and will be the page displayed when subsequently calling up the app.

Dam's Profile

The next stage is to create your dam’s profile.

The app will  display a list of breeds and official colours according to that breed but of course the list is not conclusive so the option to select other captures all.

The dam’s name, breed and colour are mandatory fields making it easier to set up a dam quickly.  The profile can always be edited at a later stage.

The breed of the dam will determine the options on the colour field as per the official breed colours.  If the breed of your dam is not listed there is an option to select ‘other’.

The detail entered on the dam screen will eventually appear on the puppy new owners PDF so it is worth completing as much information as possible.

Furrypeeps Puppy enables you to enter the health tests that your dam has had.  The information stored against the dam’s profile is comprehensive and assists you in managing your kennel.

Now that the basic profile has been built you can now continue to manage the dam’s breeding program.

Dam Main Menu

From the main breeder menu access the dam menu by clicking on the dam.  All dams that have a profile set against them can be accessed from here.  You can also add a dam from this menu.

Click on the dam you would like to enter information against.  This will display the dam’s full profile menu.

To edit or to simply view the initial information set up for the dam click on the profile button.

From this menu you can search for litters that the dam may have previously had.  You can upload her pedigree certificate for future reference.  The document that you are uploading will need to be saved to your files before you are able to do this. You can register whelping information, her heats and her mating records too.  You can create a new temperature log from this menu or you can access and view past logs from this menu.

For ease if you have multiple dams loaded into Furrypeeps Puppy you can swipe left or right on the photo at the top of the screen to switch profiles. Now all the menus and the data held pertains to the dam’s record you have selected.

Temperature Logs

Your dam's normal temperature should be between 37.2 and 39.2. Her rectal temperature will drop as low as 35 to 36c when the first stage of labour starts. Monitoring her temperature in the last week of gestation will enable you to make informed decisions as to her wellbeing. In graphical form you can see peaks and troughs leading up to the due date.

Access the temperature log from the dam menu from the main breeder page.  From the date picker select the due date of your dam, this will create a log.  Now you need to update the temperature of the dam.  Click on the update temperature button selecting date, time and current temperature.  Saving this information will update the graph.

The bold vertical line represents her due date.  

Whelping Record

Access the whelping record from the dam main menu.  

From the main breeder menu access the dam menu, select the dam that has whelped her litter to bring you to her menu.  If you have a photo of the litter add the photo, it’s not mandatory.  Create a name for the litter, the date whelped, the sire used, the puppy identifier and the weight unit.

The puppy identifier method will need to be selected so if by collar colour select which colour each puppy will be identified by.  If the puppy identifier was by sex then the field will not display as the sex field will be used.

Detail deceased puppies if appropriate and then the puppies born into the litter.  

The coat colours in the dropdown will default to those of the breed of the dam according to the official coat colours.  

Select the puppy’s sex, detail their birth time and their birth weight.  

Litter Main Menu

Access the litter menu from the dam’s main menu, select the dam and then from the dam’s main menu select the litter button.  Select the litter name from the entries displayed.  

Selecting the litter will bring forward the litter menu.  From here you will be able to update the development of the litter as a whole, the weight of all of the puppies within the litter and you will also be able to view each individual puppy’s profile and menu.  




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