Back to school for Ron
Foolishly believed we’d turned a corner. I’d kept up the recall training and Ron had responded really well (when I say “well” please note we are talking about Ron).
So today I decided to let go of his long lead and trust he’d come back. For an hour he was spot on. Came back every time. Although he gradually, went further away, taking longer to come back.
By the time I realised what was happening it was too late. Both, him and Jimmy had bolted. So began the search.
10 minutes later I glanced across to the large school playground on the edge of the playing fields. Masses of kids, on their break having a great time. That’s cute, I thought. I didn’t realise secondary school kids played running games these days. They had formed a kind of snake shape and were winding round and round. When I looked closer I saw why.
Ron and Jim had got into the school grounds and were causing absolute chaos. They were running towards the kids and darting away as they got close.
I couldn’t fit through the hole in the fence they had gone through so I went all the way round to the front of the school. I was met by the Headteacher who had Ron in his arms and Jim at his feet. They were surrounded by a swarm of very excited teenagers. I practically bowed as I approached Ron, mumbled an apology, stated they had never done anything like it before (probably the biggest lie I had ever told) and left.
Back to the drawing board
Pic is them unwinding after a busy day 

Contributor - Ruth Clitherow
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